Primary Maths
With more than a decade of experience teaching Primary Level Maths, our teachers have the domain know-how to help your child master the subject effectively.
Does your child face the dreaded Maths subject?
Having difficulties remembering Maths concepts, rules and formulae?
Confused by the operations, the steps and its order?
Difficulty in following sequential procedures and directions?
Tend to be on a slower side in understanding Maths concept?
Getting the right help at the right time will accelerate their learning and interest in the subject.
Our Unique Learning Model
Listing formulae in chunks and making sure they master the topic summary with Maths steps and rules before moving on. Mind maps are employed and the hierarchy of maths challenges for each topic needs to be learnt properly before proceeding to the next level. Memory works this way: Retention-Retrieval approach.
Concepts in Maths need to be learnt systematically and sequentially. A firm foundation helps so when signs of confusion with following procedures happen, seek good help. Here we focus on our kids understanding the basics before proceeding on, and initially we take their pace until they can run along independently.
We encourage problem-solving in all aspects by giving real life situations to add practicality. There is more than one way to solve a Maths problem sum but we help them solve difficult sums by showing them more efficient approaches. So, heuristics is shown even at early ages and questions are seen as puzzles to be solved.
We make Maths learning fun and meaningful. We get our kids excited about the subject and show how learning this skill helps in our day-to-day plus how beneficial it can be for our future. Educational games supplement our curriculum at every level in order to bring out the fun and sometimes, the simplicity in learning the subject.
Parents may find themselves in a situation where they are unable to help their child with Maths because either they don’t know how or the subject matter is becoming too advanced. Seek qualified help to ensure that your child can stay up-to-date on his Maths skills. Don’t wait too long. Let them have an edge on the subject before it is too late and have them enjoy Maths lessons as they should be learnt.