You may stumble upon this post while researching how and why your child need to attend coding, robotics or 3d design holiday camps or just curious what is it all about exactly. Then you have come to the right place. This post share 5 reasons why exactly young children (sometimes as young as 5 years old) can attend such camps and the benefits of it.
So here we go.
Reason #1:- Design Thinking Process
Your child will be tasked to design his own robotics model and to complete a set of challenges with specific requirements
and limitations.
Reason #2:- Problem Solving
As your child develops their robotics design, your child will constantly be encouraged to solve problems during the process (for
instance, if their initial design is not suitable for the completion of the challenge, how can he improve on the design?)
Reason #3:- Coding
In the coding courses, your child will learn about how games and animation are developed. From there, he will code his own games and animation using the Tynker app.
Reason #4:- Logical Thinking Sequence
Through designing his own robot and programming it to complete the challenges and coding games/animations, your child will learn how to think logically by arranging challenges and solution in a sequential basis. Your child will also learn how to break down larger problems into simpler ones and how to solve each step by step.
Reason #5:- Computational Thinking
Recognising this to be an important 21st century skill, the whole approach lets your child see situations in both their entirety or as interconnected parts. This will help him break a whole challenge into smaller parts for analysis and problem solving.
If you are thinking about what’s the focus you should look at, it should be the focus on the “teaching of core concepts, introducing and reinforcing thinking patterns” to make it fun and meaningful for children yet nurturing life-skills which can be applied in a variety of situations regardless of how technology should change.
If you want to let your child get hands on or just simply curious exactly how the robotics, coding and 3d design can exactly benefit your child, click here to read more.